Siuslaw Alumni Association
Florence School History
1890 First school by old hotel
1905 Second school on Maple Street, Callison's, grades 1-8
1918 Second floor of Callison building for high school, at this time there were at least 12 outlying schools
1921 Florence High School becomes Siuslaw High School
1930 High school is built on west side of Quince Street becomes Siuslaw Union High School Dist. 10
1945 Consolidation of SHS and outlying schools (District 97-J)
1946 Old elementary school on 101 completed
1951 Primary school on the hill (that later burned in 1980) completed
1954 SHS on east side of Quince Street completed
1963 Rhododendron Elementary School on Oak Street completed
1970 SHS on Oak Street completed
1986 Rhododendron Primary School on Oak completed
2001 Siuslaw Middle School on Oak completed
Information provided by Mrs. Marsha Klosterman and Mr. Dick Whitmore
School Songs
Alma Mater
On our city’s northern border
Reared against the sky
Stands our noble Alma Mater
As the years go by
Onward, upward be our motto
Conquer and prevail
Hail to thee, our Alma Mater
Hail Siuslaw, Hail
Hail Siuslaw Hail!
Fight Song
On Siuslaw, On Siuslaw,
Fight on for your fame
Put the ball right o’er the goal post
Victory is your aim, Rah! Rah! Rah!
On Siuslaw, On Siuslaw, Fight on for your fame
Fight ‘em Vikings, Fight! Fight! Fight!
We’ll win this game!

The old white high school and later the junior high, 1953.

Siuslaw High School, 1953.

Siuslaw Middle School.